
Dutch Symposium 50 years of Emission Registration

11 June 2024
  • Driebergen, The Netherlands

A Symposium to celebrate 50 years of Emission Registration in The Netherlands took place in Driebergen the 11 June 2024. 

The AVENGERS project team gave a presentation on emission verification.

AVENGERS General Assembly 2024

9-10 April 2024
  • Lund University, Lund, Sweden

The AVENGERS General Assembly 2024 took place at Lund University, Sweden, the 9-10 April 2024.

EC-ESA Joint Earth System Science Inititiatve

22-24 November 2023
  • ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy

The event Science for a Green and Sustainable Society served to review the latest advances in Earth Observation and Earth System Science across domains and specially to showcase the latest ESA and EC funded results, projects and initiatives as a basis for networking and interdisciplinary science.

The coordinator of AVENGERS, Dr. Marko Scholze, presented an overview of the project. Click here to view the presentation.

Click on this link for more information on the event. The full programme is available here.

CORSO General Assembly meeting and CoCO2 final meeting

20-22 November 2023
  • Wageningen, NL

The CORSO project held its first General Assembly in collaboration with the CoCO2 project’s final General Assembly, between the 20-22 November 2023.

The meeting discussed user requirements and future services with national inventory agencies through a dedicated workshop co-organised together with PARIS, AVENGERS, and EYE-CLIMA projects.

Click on this link for more information.

EMME-CARE 3rd Annual Online Scientific Workshop

7 November 2023
  • Online

The Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute, and its Advanced Partners, organised the 3rd Annual Scientific Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere Research & Innovation in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region, on Tuesday 7 November 2023. See this link for more details and program.

The AVENGERS project presented the plans to develop an easy-to-use Flexible Inversion Tool for Inventory Compilers (FIT-IC) for use by inventory compilers (with a slide from this presentation on FIT-IC used in this web story announcing the inclusion of CARE-C as a Hop-On partner in AVENGERS)


AVENGERS/CMCC webinar on Inverse Modelling

24 October 2023
  • Online webinar, 12:30 – 13:30 CET

A free webinar on inverse modelling is organised as part of the AVENGERS project, in collaboration with CMCC.

Inverse modelling is a methodical approach for better quantifying the variables governing a physical system, using observations of that system, and therefore optimising the estimates of the variables. With the objective of reducing uncertainties of national greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventories, inverse models are used to reconcile reported emissions with independent information from atmospheric observations.

Click on this link for more information and to register


21-23 June 2023
  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands

AVENGERS project presented at the 9th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG-9):

· ‘AVENGERS Overview‘ by M Scholze et al., Lund University

· ‘TOPAS-CH4: A methane source attribution tool for policy support and scientific application‘ by A Seegers et al., TNO

The symposium homepage  can be found here.

Kick-off meeting

 8-9 February 2023
  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The main objectives of the project kick-off meeting were to:

· Introduce the team members – full project consortium;

· Create a shared understanding of the project background and scope;

· Create a mutual understanding of what a successful project looks like;

· Create a shared understanding of what needs to be done, and who should lead what;

· Agree on how to work together effectively through common work practices, tools, communication channels, etc.

AVENGERS @ WMO Symposium

 30 Jan - 1 Feb 2023
  • Geneva, Switzerland

The AVENGERS project presented at the WMO International Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Symposium.

The full symposium programme including the AVENGERS poster can be found here.